Аbout the magazine
A magazine for specialists of the beet sugar branch of the agroindustrial complex.
It has been published since 1923.
Access to an electronic copy has been available since 2012.
The founder is the Union of Sugar Producers of Russia.
The editor–in-chief is Olga.A. Ryabtseva.
The circulation is 1,000 printed copies.
The magazine covers the state and forecasts of the sugar market, achievements of science and technology in the production and storage of sugar beet and sugar, breeding and seed production, issues of economics and management, land use and taxation in agriculture, personnel issues of the sugar beet industry, domestic and foreign experience, etc.
Distributed: a printed version in Russia and the CIS countries, in other countries on request; an electronic copy – all over the world.
The beginning of the magazine's history dates back to the XIX century. The first journal on sugar beet production in Russia – ‘Notes of the Committee of Sugar Growers’– was published by the Moscow Committee of Sugar producers in 1834-1839 as an appendix to the Agricultural Journal. The notes covered materials on the activities of the committee, the foundation of sugar factories and the improvement of sugar technology.
The beginning of the systematic publication of branch scientific and technical periodicals dates back to 1871, when the Kiev branch of the Russian Technical Society for the Sugar Beet Industry (KORTO) was organized. It published "Notes on the sugar beet industry" from 1871 to 1917 on a monthly basis (in 1882-1903 – two issues per month), in which issues of domestic sugar technology were widely covered.
In 1890-1916, a weekly magazine for sugar growers, rural owners and merchants was also published – The Bulletin of the Russian Sugar Industry (St. Petersburg), the monthly publication of which in Ukrainian ("Vestnik tsukrovoi promislovosti") was continued in 1920-1924. (Kiev, Tsukrotrest).
In May 1923, the first issue of an industry magazine called The Bulletin of the Sugar Trust, which had been formed by that time by the state association of the sugar industry of the country, was published. The magazine was published monthly under this name during six years.
Since June 1929, the magazine began to be published under the name "Soviet Sugar" as the organ of the All–Union Association of the Sugar Industry under the Supreme Economic Council "Soyuzsakhar", and since April 1930 – the organ of the Glavsakhar of the USSR Food Industry Commissariat with a frequency of twice a month, and in 1933-1936 - monthly.
In 1937-1940, the magazine was named "Sugar" (periodicity in the first two years – 6 issues, in 1939 – 8 and in 1940 – 12 issues per year). During these years, three magazines were published simultaneously: the monthly central scientific and technical "Journal of the Sugar Industry" of the Scientific and Technical Management of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR (VSNH) (Moscow, 1927-1931, merged in January 1932 with the magazine "Soviet Sugar" with an increase in the volume of the latter from 6 to 10 printed sheets).Then – "The Voice of the sugar worker" – the organ of the Central Committee of the trade union of the sugar industry of Ukraine and Great Russia "Trudosakhar", and then the trade union of the sugar industry of the USSR (Kharkov, Moscow 1921-1930, issue – 12-24 issues per year), "Scientific notes on the sugar industry" and "Scientific notes of tsukrovoi promislovosti" research and educational organizations (Kiev, 1924-1938, see Periodicals of the Ukrainian SSR, Kharkov, 1956).
During the Great Patriotic War, the publication of the industry magazine was temporarily discontinued. Since January 1946, the issue of the magazine has been resumed under the name "Sugar Industry" – the printing body of the Main Directorate of the Sugar Industry (Glavsakhar), the frequency was12 issues per year.
From 1966 to 1985, the scientific, technical and production journal "Sugar Industry" was an organ of the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR and the Central Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Food Industry, and in 1986-1987 – an appendix to the journal "Food and Processing Industry" of the State Agro–Industrial Committee of the USSR. In 1988, the Sugar Industry magazine was merged with the “Sugar Beet “magazine. The joint magazine "Sugar Beet: Production and processing" was published from 1988 to 1991 once every two months.
In 1992, at the numerous requests of sugar industry workers, the publication of the “Sugar Industry” magazine was resumed with a periodicity of once every two months. The journal was established by the Russian State Cooperative Union of Associations, Enterprises and Organizations of the Food Industry (Rospishcheprom), the Sugar Industry Concern of Ukraine (Ukrsakhar), NPO “Sakhar” and the “Kolos” publishing house.
Since 1999, the magazine has been called "Sugar". Its founders were Sakhinform CJSC and the Union of Sugar Producers of Russia. In 2001, the Union of Sugar Producers of Russia became the founder of the magazine.
The journal is registered with the Ministry of Press, Broadcasting and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. Certificate of registration of the mass media PI No. 77-11307 dated December 03, 2001.
For the publication of the magazine "Sugar" in 2004, LLC "Sugar" was created.
From 2007 to 2023, the magazine was published 12 times a year. Over the history of its existence, the industry magazine has repeatedly changed its name and founders, but it has consistently maintained its popularity and importance due to the relevance and depth of the published material, timely coverage of new achievements of domestic and world science, technology and technologies in the production and storage of sugar beet and sugar.
In addition, the magazine covers the state and forecasts of the sugar market, economic issues of sugar factories and agricultural holdings, management issues, supplies of machinery and equipment, breeding and seed production of sugar beet, production and use of by-products of the sugar beet industry, domestic and foreign experience, history and modernity, etc.
The magazine is distributed by subscription in the CIS countries. Among the readers of the magazine are employees of the Russian Government, federal and regional ministries and agribusiness management bodies, owners and managers of agro–industrial holdings, trading companies, commercial firms, banking and logistics structures, beet farms, sugar factories, unions, associations, design, scientific, educational institutions, etc. The journal is included in the list of periodicals of the Higher Attestation Commission.
Since 2012, the magazine has also been published in an electronic version.
From 2024 on, the magazine will be published 6 times a year.
The editorial board of the journal consists of 4 full members (academicians) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, 5 Doctors of Technical Sciences, 4 doctors of Agricultural Sciences, 2 doctors of Biological Sciences, 2 doctors of Economics, 1 Doctor of Chemical Sciences.